Firstly… There was Stackridge, formed by Andy Davis, James Warren and a few other eccentric Bristol-based chums in 1969. Unashameably eclectic, this constantly evolving musical collective ploughed through the self-indulgent heyday of Progressive Rock. Even though the band followed this brush with stardom by performing at Wembley stadium with Elton John and The Eagles in 1974, two years later disillusionment had set in and Stackridge officially threw in the towel. Andy remained in London doing session work and pub gigs while James opted for an altogether more laid-back lifestyle in Bath. The two remained in touch though, occasionally posting each other cassette tapes (remember those?) of their latest creations, until finally deciding in the summer of 1978 to actually get together in Bath to record a demo. Recorded in the top-floor apartment of classical composer David Lord, the four new songs attracted the attention of Nick and Tim Heath, sons of the celebrated 1940s bandleader Ted Heath, who had recently left E.M.I. to set up their own publishing company. Nick and Tim were especially convinced that one tune had great radio-friendly potential: If I Had You. After five months of intensive writing and recording released their debut as The Korgis in 1979. James continues with the band today and is still writing great new material and they of course still play the iconic hits from the past in this great live show.